I’ve had my Brompton for just over a couple weeks. I am still getting used to handling the bike but that would apply to any bike I had.
I know I am repeating myself but, it is easy to fold and unfold (now that I discovered how to use the quick release lever.) It is not light but I can carry it for short distances. The eZee wheels are brilliant. I use them all the time when moving the bike through public areas.
Although I brought a bike cover at the time I got the bike. I haven’t had to use it. But then I have not had any long distance train journeys.
The pannier is still brilliant. The bag block that holds the bag somehow sits independently on the front and so it does not affect steering in any way. The pannier is large enough for me to carry everything I need. I then to pack the ‘world’ but generally this is ok if travelling by car and now I can just as much by bike. The plus is that I just unhook the bag (this clip is a bit fiddlely to find underneath) and then throw the whole bag onto my back by using the shoulder strap. I then fold the bike and push it to the next destination.
I like the dynamo lights but I do have extra flashing lights that I clip on and take off when I fold the bike, because this is London and I want to live to my next birthday.
I have one small beef. For some reason the reflector holder on the folding pedal has broken on one side, which means the as some point soon one of the reflectors will fall off. I will be negotiating with the bike shop for a replacement. I would expect a pedal to withstand a lot more than my shoes.