I woke up with a tension headache. With the prospect of two long car journeys later in the day (Bluewater and Stanmore), I decided to get on the Brompton and check out the route I had downloaded from the Transport for London website that takes me from home to North Greenwich tube station without fast traffic.
As I discover, the downside are more hills, but mainly doable. I have not been on the bike for three days and my legs are not sore anymore.
Along the way I noticed for the first time all the little cycle route signs, but the route map is now out of date in a couple places. Greenwich council has put in some one way roads.
I didn’t get to North Greenwich but I got as far as Charlton House library and then back for breakfast. Headache gone.
Didn’t wear any heels, but I was nice and comfy in my M&S Ugg style boots in black suede.